Almost everything we do online requires some form of a browser. Sometimes you can get away with just using an app, but those apps will still use the devices browser engine. What most people don’t realize is that your browser can be used to track you, and even find your exact location, if allowed. In …
Naturist Privacy – Secure Email
I wrote about this back in the summer, but after a web server failure I was unable to restore it like it was. I’m tired of trying and decided to just rewrite the post and get it as close to the original as I can. I’m probably a bit more sensitive to this than the …
Born Again
I decided. That’s pretty much all it takes. I decided that I wanted to try going barefooted. When I was in my fifties, I was diagnosed with something like Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Apparently it wasn’t, but the medication for the Fever zapped whatever it was. My left hip started hurting and when I turned …
Naturist Privacy-Secure Messaging
I wrote blog post recently titled Time For A Security Checkup, and much to my surprise I received a lot of good feedback and comments. Keeping safe in our online world seems to have hit a nerve of interest among many readers. A number of you have expressed how hard it is to try and …
Time For A Security Checkup
I’ve been working on another post slowly and steadily, but I wanted to share the events I’ve been dealing with over the past week. Hopefully, it will encourage you to do better in your cybersecurity. I know it has me for sure. I’m no security expert by any stretch of the imagination, but over the …
How Nudity Improved My Sexual Health
We’ve all read the stories on various websites and blogs that say “being naked is good for you” or “nudity improves your body confidence”. While this is true, we can’t forget about how nudity can improve your sexual health, too. Personnally, nudity is increasing my body acceptance and my libido as well. There’s nothing more …
International Nude Day
I have never heard of International Nude Day, but then I haven’t really been looking for holidays to get naked on since I pretty much try to spend as much time naked as I can. I don’t know about you, but I don’t really need a holiday to tell me to take my clothes off. …
Non-Verbal Language of Nudity
Communication is the most important tool for a group of species. There are many forms of communication with the most popular ones being verbal, written, non-verbal, sign, and with our technological world we have emojis to express our otherwise muted emotions and other visual cues. I’ve wondered how often one, but very important, form of …
A Shackled Nudist
Do you ever feel like you’re trapped in life that you weren’t supposed to live? Almost like your space-time continuum has been altered by some funny game played by the laws of physics. Let’s meander our way into an event horizon and see where it leads us. My Shackles Almost 12 years ago we were …
I Think I Found the Missing Nudist Bloggers
I read over a blog post by NaturistPlace a couple days ago, where my recent blog post of Where are all the Nudist Bloggers was talked about with additional suggestions. NaturistPlace made the following suggestions. Social Media and micro blogs consisting of pics, GIFs, and a few words Too much junk content and it’s hard …