We’ve all read the stories on various websites and blogs that say “being naked is good for you” or “nudity improves your body confidence”. While this is true, we can’t forget about how nudity can improve your sexual health, too. Personnally, nudity is increasing my body acceptance and my libido as well. There’s nothing more empowering than feeling confident and a sense of desire in your body. Additionaly, your desire for someone can improve by simply taking your clothes off as much as possible. Hopefully, talking about how nudist improved my sexual health will help you, too.

When I am naked my sense of touch and sight seem to be in a more aware state. It’s like I have been set free and fully aware of myself. I can actually sense the touches on my my body more. Also, I feel more aware of myself and my surroundings. I feel the slight breeze over my skin as I walk. The warm morning sun in the mornings when I let the dogs out.

When I see my shadowy image reflected around me, I catch myself looking back at my body in the mirror. I observe pretty much everything about me and it feels great. Each day I look in the mirror each morning and tell myself I am beautiful and confident. I don’t care what anyone else thinks of me or my body. At the end of the day my opinion about me is the only one that matters. It’s the only voice I listen to. Don’t listen to the haters. You’re beautiful too.

It’s like I have been set free and made aware that I can actually sense the touches on my my body more…

How Did Nudity Start Improving My Sexual Health?

When we wear clothes for most of our day, we start to lose a sense of self. This isn’t a loss of who you are, but more like a loss of independence. Clothes often define us in terms of someone elses idea of fashion. The knowledge of who we really are can be lost by keeping up with the latest fashion trends, that new diet GUARANTEED to make you thinner and healthier, or the risque dress Tiffany wore to the office party. We are under constant training by the dysfunction we call modern society. The expectaion is we judge those around us and judge ourselves soley on what others around us are doing.

How many times have you scrolled through social media and said “I wish I looked that good in that outfit”, or “I don’t have the body shape to wear something like that”. What we don’t realize is the manipulation to devalue our self-worth and destroy our levels of self-esteem. To be honest, it’s quite sickening. Here’s a news flash…the majority of real people don’t look like the online influencers. Those models and braggers are trying to artificially inflate their level of self worth. Take the power away from them and let nudity improve your self-worth and sexual health.

By William Ivan via Unsplash

It’s A Trap

Everyone falls into this trap. How can we not? We are under bombardment with advertisements telling us what we need before we know we need them. Hell, I’ve fallen into it and still get that bug in my ear “buy me, you’ll feel better about yourself”. It’s hard to ignore. Don’t get me wrong, I do like nice things, but the downside is the outfit or item you bought can only be worn/used so much, and then it wears out or goes out of style and you need a new one.

The thing that will never go out of style is you. Your body, your mind, and your inner soul are who you truly are. Start embracing you and let go of the rest of the bullshit. Although I’ve been a naturist for a long time, it took me years to realize my self-worth. My self-worth what I believe and not what someone else wants me to believe. (i.e. social media, advertisements, FAMILY!)

What Did I Do For Nudity To Improve My Sexual Health

…let go of the awful oppression of judgement.

Short answer is I started embracing me. Sound selfish? Good, it should be selfish. No one will ever take care of you as good as you’re going to take care of you. The first thing I started doing is looking at myself naked, accepting how my body has changed over the years, and focusing on what I liked about me. I stopped the perpetual circle of judgement by NOT judging myself. This is key because you cannot let go of judging others until you let go of judging yourself.

Once I was able to let go of that judgement I completely felt my spirit rise. It’s almost as if someone had removed a terrible burden from me. It is a taste of…freedom. It helps me to realize the cost of what we and society have been holding over our heads…our inability to think for ourselves and just go with the flow of what is expected of us. I urge you to let go and find your true self. Think for yourself and not what others want you to think. Be free.

Now that you have embraced you and let go of the awful oppression of judgement, it’s time we start rebuilding…YOU.

Using Nudity To Rebuild Your Sexual Health

First, if you’re not already naked, then you need to take off your clothes. If you are not somewhere that you can or feel comfortable taking your clothes off (if you’re in public or you’re not home alone), then wait until you have that chance. The key is to be relaxed enough to do it. If you are at a place where you can, then go ahead, I’ll wait. No where to be. (whistles awkwardly and picks at fingernails). Done? Good. You can stop covering yourself now because we want to embrace YOU.

I am beautiful no matter what, but I am more beautiful when I am naked.

The key for me to build my confidence and be content with my body was to basically see my naked body as much as I could. I loved the feeling being naked brought me, but I could have gone all day without a mirror. We are our own worst critic and tend to focus on all of our imperfections, but when we learn to embrace our imperfections we truly are content and free.

Let Nudity Help Improve Your Self-Image

The next thing for you to do is go to a mirror…preferably a full length mirror so you can completely see yourself. Now I want you to say “I am beautiful no matter what, but I am more beautiful when I am naked.” You can also say something like “I love how healthy my skin looks”, or if you have stretch marks from babies say “My tiger stripes show just how badass I am.” They key is to compliment yourself while naked. Do it every time you walk past a mirror, see your reflection, or while you’re laying on the couch looking down your beautiful self.

I know everyone will not jump in feet first, and that is ok. My primary focus is to help you feel better about yourself, especially while naked. If you feel better, more confident, and content with who you are, then others will see that and begin to feed off your energy. The best part is it can help you feel better as a sexual partner to your significant other.

Improved Sexuality

I’ve read numerous “studies” (these are internet based articles with professional references) that explain how being naked is good for your physically, emotionally, and mentally. I’ve experienced this and actually feel more confident inserting comments about nudity, skinny dipping, and other activities in the right conversations. What’s not talked about much, at least on some naturist blogs and high profile sites, is the sexual improvements of being naked. DO NOT let this discussion lead you to believe nudity=sex. It’s like saying a beer=alcoholism.

Sex is the glue that holds a relationship together.

What I want you to understand is that being naked more often improves your self image. When you feel better about yourself and your image, then you are more likely to not focus on your insecurities. This can free up your mind, lower your anxiety, and help improve your overall sexual drive. This is very important for relationships to survive, because without a healthy sexual relationship with your partner, then one or both of you may experience…let’s say other ‘interests’. Like I’ve always said to people/couples struggling: You may be attracted to someone and fall in love with them, but sex is the glue that holds a relationship together. Sex brings you closer together as a couple, and for that block of time that you engage in sex, you become one with each other and allow that bond to grow.

Photo by We-Vibe WOW Tech on Unsplash

Better Sex Drive

Personally, over the years I have noticed an improvement in my sex drive, and I attribute a large part of that to increasing the amount of time I’m naked, a few self affirmations, and slowly building my confidence up enough to make a measurable difference. This didn’t happen over night and I continue to improve myself everyday. You want to get to a point where you and your partners sex ‘bucket’ is always full. This will be different with each couple, but you will have to determine together how much is enough for each of you.

If your partner is suffering from a low self-esteem, insecurities, or some other condition that inhibits their ability to feel ‘confident’ and ‘sexy’, then maybe encourage them to spend time naked. Compliment them, admire them, voice your favorite body part, etc… The best bet is for both of you to be naked together, and you can grow as one. However, if your partner is unwilling to participate, then you should still do what you can to improve yourself, mentally, emotionally, and sexually. You may discover your example will eventually be followed.

Wrapping Up

They important concepts I want you to walk away with are these:

  • This process could take a long time. It’s taken me years.
  • Avoid social media when you don’t need to be on it. Don’t mindlessly scroll through and looking at everyone’s feed. It’s quite depressing.
  • Be naked as much as much as you can. Even if it’s only in bathroom or bedroom while getting ready. Delay getting dressed.
  • Compliment yourself often, especially while naked.
  • Release your inhibitors and anxiety so you can enjoy sex.

As far as I know humans and dolphins are the only two mammals who enjoy having sex, and we should do everything we can to make sure we keep our sexual health at the top of it’s game. Trust me, you’ll be glad you did, and you may even bring someone along with you.

Note: Header image provided by lesmouches

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  1. All of what you have said I can attest to as being mostly correct. My second husband and I have a great sex life and it really kicked into high gear when he introduced me to social nudity which included full time nudity at home or anywhere we could be nude. The pleasure of seeing others nude is a distant second place to being seen nude by others. It’s both sensual and erotic at the same time adding to our joy of having more sex. Bringing a third person or even a fourth into the mix contributes even more pleasures beyond belief at times.

    Ms. K

  2. we really enjoyed this essay. We too feel that the more time we spend nude, the more aroused and the more sexual that we are. There are times that when I come home from work and I get to greet my beautiful wife as she’s standing there in the nude, I can instantly tell that it’s going to be a very sexy and pleasure filled evening for us. I’ve learned that her desire, and level of arousal is often off the charts due to the fact that she spent her entire day Naked while working from home, with this occasional breaks for self pleasure.

    1. I love hearing how couples use nudity to bring themselves closer together. We have friends who have struggled sexually for a very long time and I feel so bad for them. We have encouraged them to sleep naked together, spend time naked with each other, and work on bringing themselves closer together. Unfortunately, I think they both struggle from self-esteem issues, so it’s hard for them to overcome. The one advantage to working at home naked together is we do get to partake in some afternoon delight when no kids are home! So wonderful. Keep living the nude life and doing everything you can to keep your sexual health between each other at the very front! I have always said sex is the glue that holds relationships and marriages together. Keep it up!

Let me know your thoughts on this!
