Almost everything we do online requires some form of a browser. Sometimes you can get away with just using an app, but those apps will still use the devices browser engine. What most people don’t realize is that your browser can be used to track you, and even find your exact location, if allowed. In …
Naturist Privacy – Secure Email
I wrote about this back in the summer, but after a web server failure I was unable to restore it like it was. I’m tired of trying and decided to just rewrite the post and get it as close to the original as I can. I’m probably a bit more sensitive to this than the …
Naturist Privacy-Secure Messaging
I wrote blog post recently titled Time For A Security Checkup, and much to my surprise I received a lot of good feedback and comments. Keeping safe in our online world seems to have hit a nerve of interest among many readers. A number of you have expressed how hard it is to try and …